1.虽然我们的眼睛可以近视,但我们的目光不能短浅。[比心]Although our eyes can be nearsighted, we cannot be shortsighted
2.最值得欣赏的风景是我们自己奋斗的足迹。[比心]The best scenery to enjoy is our own struggle
3.我希望我们所有的结局,都对得起最初的相遇。[比心]I hope all of our endings are worthy of the first encounter.
4.我深知话说三遍淡如水,也知天高任鸟飞。[比心]I know that three times a word is as light as water, and that the sky is high and birds fly.
5.我们要把自己的感受永远置顶,可以是不完美的。[比心]We have to put our feelings on top forever, and it can be imperfect.
6.善解人意是个什么东西,委屈我自己,让别人开心吗?[比心]What is understanding, wronging myself, making others happy
7.热烈的爱可以打动很多人,可惜我很安静。[比心]Ardent love can move many people, but I am very quiet.
8.请成为永远疯狂,永远清澈,永远浪漫的存在。[比心]Please be forever crazy, ever clear, ever romantic.
9.把自己活成一道光,潇洒而且硬气的穿梭在这个世界上。[比心]Live yourself into a light, smart and hard to shuttle in the world.
10.苹果不会去想橘子的问题。[比心]Apple doesn't think about oranges
11.生动一点比漂亮更重要。[比心]Being vivid is more important than being pretty
12.我惊叹于你对自由的定义。[比心]I marvel at your definition of freedom.
13.比照片更有杀伤力的是生命力。[比心]What's more lethal than the picture is the life force.
14.大胆的去做,趁着生命还鲜活。[比心]Do it boldly, while life is still alive
15.消失的下雨天,我好想再淋一遍。[比心]It's a rainy day, I want to get wet again
16.东拼西凑的生活也很新鲜。[比心]The patchwork life is also fresh.
17.被好天气唤醒身体快乐的细胞。[比心]The cells of the body that are awakened by good weather
18.不要带着你的情绪去做任何的决定。[比心]Don't make any decisions with your emotions.